Bwami Coffee Day

Every November 25th, of each year we host The Bwami Coffee Day at our Bwami Coffee Plantation in Kijjukira Kasanda.

The Bwami Coffee day is a full day of activities, involving a tour of our farm where we teach attendees about growing coffee, harvesting coffee, drying coffee, pulping coffee, fermentation of coffee, hulling coffee and safe storage of coffee. Attendance is free. Guests get a chance to interact with our founders, supervisors, managers and employees. We invite coffee roasters, coffee buyers and input suppliers to interact and mingle with us on this day.

Bwami Coffee Day
Bwami Coffee Open day every November at our Bwami Coffee plantation in Kijjukira Kasanda.

We will have;

Brew Bar

Taste Bwami coffee at the Brew Bar! Beverages will be kindly prepared and served by skilled volunteer baristas.


The Roaster Booth  is the place where roasters meet customers, coffees are roasted, brewed and tasted.

The booth offers visitors the opportunity to see the latest trends in coffee sourcing, handling, roasting, brewing, and distribution, not to mention coffee tasting!

Honey Processing Corner

The Robusta coffee honey processing corner  is the place where Bwami coffee day visitors will witness first hand the process of making honey processed coffee, from pulping, fermentation, drying, sorting, roasting, brewing and tasting.

Cupping Room

The Cupping Room is a vibrant part of the Bwami Coffee Day.  Coffee farmers, coffee roasters, coffee suppliers can hire the space to present their coffees to visitors and tasters inside the room.

Bwami Coffee Day every November at our Bwami Coffee plantation in Kijjukira Kasanda. Meet and interact with our employees, founders and managers. Learn about growing coffee with smaller spacings. Learn about wet processing and about how to grow coffee profitably and sustainably.

Bwami Coffee Day
Bwami Coffee Open day


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